David P. English
1937 - 2017
My prayers and sympathy for Barb English and all of the family on the death of this fine man.
I have fond memories of Dave. When I first accepted the position of Principal of St Titus Elementary School in 1979, he was one of the first to welcome me into the community. Knowing I had a distance to drive each day, he set up a charge account at the station allowing me to charge gas and pay it off each payday. We would always have a short visit during those stops.
I seldom get back that way, but when I do, I always think of Dave and his kindness when I drive by the location.
Let me leave you with a quote I have come to appreciate since it sums it up so nicely: “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal; love leaves a memory no one can steal.” - Anonymous
I knew Dave for several years. We had a good relationship over several years when I was working at the Bank. I knew that Dave will be greatly missed . God bless his family.
To the English family, our sincere condolences.
My parents were lifetime friends of Dave, and I have known him since my early teens.
What a genuine, honest, and all around good man to have on your side.
He was good to all he encountered. He will be greatly missed. Our prayers to you all.
I'm sure glad I had the pleasure of knowing Dave.
Mark Lavery
Dear Barb, Lori, Danny, David and Jake, I am so sorry to hear of Dave's passing. Although he and I had only a few opportunities to visit, I knew he was a loving and caring person. My condolences to all his family and friends. Uncle Neal
The world is a sadder and darker place today. In everything he did, Dave exhibited class, grace, devotion, and resiliency. He had the heart of a giant, and the faith and ability to be positive and uplifting in the face of illness and pain. It was a blessing to be in his company - He is one of the very best people I have ever known!!! Cathy and my thoughts and prayers are with Barb and the family, please let us know if there is anything we can do for you!
Dear Barb and Family,
As you know, Dave was a person that I respected throughout my life. We served on church committees, councils and the Alumni Association Board together. When he spoke, we listened as he never was one to raise his voice, but you know the thought and tactic came first before delivering his comments.
Just today, Tuesday, I thought I haven't sent Dave a card in a few weeks, I should select one. Then I received a phone call from Christopher of Dave's passing. The card I am sending now, is in Thanksgiving of such a wonderful human being Dave was -- no one was a stranger in his life.
I reflect on his dream of living to celebrate his 50th wedding anniversary. God saw to it that he did! What wonderful memories for you and family.
God be with you and the family through these days of mourning.
With much love and prayers, Margaret I. Fiely