My condolences to Judy, Jim and family. Mary Lou was a great friend of my aunt Margaret Lamenskie. They were part of the Wednesday Card Club. It was always a pleasure to visit with Mary Lou wherever I would meet her. Most of the time, it was at the grocery store (of course, that was several years ago now). When we would meet she would remind me of her age and that she was still able to drive. I would agree - although - I was doubting her ability at the time. Then I saw Carol Patterson driving a different car, commented that it was Mary Lou's. Carol was so happy to have an upgraded car. Mary Lou loved people, without a doubt. She loved Titusville and all people she would come in contact with. And the stories she could share given the age she was, when I met her. God called her to her eternal home with the Angels meeting her. RIP Mary Lou. Thanks for the memories.